Have you ever really thought about what you really stand to gain when you give your customers a “WOW” experience?


You get delighted, happy customers who will guarantee you of: repeat business, referrals, reduced costs (it costs more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one) plus, there’s no better way to build your business reputation by having walking ambassadors, advertising your business free of charge!

So, here’s how to give your customers a delightful experience:

1Be Proactive rather than reactive to problems, anticipate the problems and act in advance.

  • Let the customer know about potential problems, like scheduled server maintenance, stock-outs, delayed shipments.
  • Provide customers with solution paths before they complain; provide the customer support contacts on your sales page and website.
  • Recognize problems and provide solutions before customers notice, like duplicate orders.
  • Anticipate and fix problems before they occur.


2. Go the Extra Mile

  • Personalize your responses to your customers.
  • Give them additional information to improve their experience.
  • Empathize with your customers, show them that you understand what they are saying and how they are feeling.


3. Be Committed and Consistent

  • Encourage everyone in the organization to be committed to giving your customers a delightful experience.
  • Give the same level of service every time a customer interacts with your company.


4. Take Ownership

  • Make the customer’s issue your own issue; own the problem from the beginning to the end.
  • Don’t make excuses for what happened with the customer. Apologize and take ownership for what happened with the customer.
  • Ensure all team members work together so that every customer is taken care of.