One of my customer service clients, I’ll call him Joe (to protect his privacy), implemented ‘welcome calls’ upon my recommendation. In addition to answering customer service phone calls and replying tickets, we started making warm friendly welcome calls to all his customers a day after they ordered his products.
The impact was shocking to Joe. He could not believe how such a simple addition to his strategy could have such amazing results.
He got way more than he bargained for. He didn’t realize that he would learn a lot about his customers through the casual conversations that took place during the welcome calls. He learned that his customers wanted to try the products that they initially ordered first before trying out additional products.
Joe listened to his customers and changed his sales strategy. Instead of bombarding his customers with irritating phone calls trying to upsell them as soon as they ordered his products, he now waits a month. This gives his customers ample time to try his amazing products first.
He won his customers trust by listening to them. He is no longer unintentionally sending his customers the wrong message… “Joe does not care about me, all he wants is my money!” His customers are now receptive of his sales calls and are willing to order additional products without much persuasion from his sales agents.
Talk of a win, win, win situation!
What strategy from my free report will you implement in your business today? Share your comments below.
At your service,
P.S. And if you’d like to schedule a free phone call here discuss your customer service situation and needs, simply send me your information here.